Product Description
Biomilk yang 250 g- Stimulates the immune system;- Prevents diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs;- Increases the natural defenses of the child;- Suitable for children with lung disease;- Great caramel-cocoa taste.Price: 60 USDBiomilk Young is offered as a functional food. Biomilk Young is dry andsour milk product for children and adults. The product is made of highquality clean milk. Is leavened with yeast of the Bulgarian yoghurt.Additionally enriched with live cells of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, cornand rice flour, cocoa. The soft mode of production technology - freezedried - retains outputs and gives it a nice flavor. Balanced functionalfood that stimulates the growth of the child.Biomilk Young does not contain preservatives and gene-manipulatedmicroorganisms. Suitable for children over 6 months. It can be consumedby adults. There were no side effects. Recommended daily dose of 1-3scoops daily before food dry or dissolved in a liquid at a temperaturebelow 45 ° C. There is no limit to the number and timing ofadministration. Storage Temperature - room.100 g dry product contains over 10 billion active live and latent cellsof Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus, producing biologicallyactive substances and the following amino acids: Cystine, Isoleucine,Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan,Tyrosine, Valine, Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Glumatic Acid,Glicine, Astidine, Histidine, Hydr. Proline, Proline, Serine,Lisinoalanine. Water: 6% Solids: 94% Total protein: 26% -30%, Fat: 0%-1.5%, Carbohydrate: 52% -57%, including: Lactose: up 4%; Pectin: up to1%, Calcium: 560 mg Potassium: more than 460 mg Phosphorus: 484 mg Iron:0.96 mg and natural vitamins of milk. Energy value - 350 kcal.Does not contain preservatives and gene-manipulated microorganisms. Theproduct is available as a functional food Biomilk Young.
Product Specification/Models
100g dry product contains over 10 billion active live and latent cells ofLactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus, producing biologically activesubstances and the following amino acids: Cystine, Isoleucine, Leucine,Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine,Valine, Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Glumatic Acid, Glicine,Astidine, Histidine, Hydr. Proline, Proline, Serine, Lisinoalanine.Water: 6% Solids: 94% Total protein: 26% -30%, Fat: 0% -1.5%,Carbohydrate: 52% -57%, including: Lactose: up 4%; Pectin: up to 1%,Calcium: 560 mg Potassium: more than 460 mg Phosphorus: 484 mg Iron:0.96 mg and natural vitamins of milk. Energy value - 350 kcal.
- Stimulates the immune system; - Prevents diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs; - Increases the natural defenses of the child; - Suitable for children with lung disease;- Great caramel-cocoa taste. Biomilk Young is offered as a functional food. Biomilk Young is dry and sour milk product for children and adults.
Other Information
Theelaboration of the contemporary probiotics began in 1980 as a task setby the Bulgarian government. The task was to produce special foodstuffsand products for the international space programme "Interspace". It wasassigned on the basis of the experience which we gained during theelaboration of foodstuffs intended for pilots from the air forces andsailors from the navy. We have already had the experience with theelaboration of foodstuffs intended for seriously ill people and forsportsmen preparing for Olympian, World and other competitions. We hadmade a lot of experimental and clinical researches before giving the newproducts to people put under the mentioned extreme conditions, as theseresearches are still in progress. The first probiotics were given as afood to the space-men from the Bulgarian space programme. The nextgenerations of probiotics are still in use by the Bulgarian contingentof our missions in Cambodia, Iraq, Kosovo and Afganistan. The oldtechnologies for probiotic production make probiotics liquid and theycontain only probiotic bacteria. They must be stored in fridges attemperatures below zero, which makes them unsuitable for massapplication. With the new technologies we produce probiotics in powderby drying them (lyophilization) at a temperature of 50º C below zero.Some French companies envelop the probiotic bacteria with syntheticproteins. The way of obtaining our probiotics and their storage at roomtemperatures is under international patent protection. Still during thefermentation part of the amino acids and carbohydrates envelop thelactobacilli and keep them alive for more than two years at atemperature of 24º C.There is no other technology like this in the world through which thecells of Lactobacillus bulgaricus remain alive naturally at roomtemperatures. Actually this technology is very close to the naturalprocesses. In production of probiotics we use certain strains ofLactobacillus bulgaricus that have remained through the ages and haveproven beneficial properties. Our probiotics are super concentrates oflive cells of Lactobacillus bulgaricus which is difficult to be achievedby the other production processes. Our probiotics satisfy the modernway of life.
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Minimum Order
250 g
Sample Price
Does not contain preservatives and gene-manipulated microorganisms. The product is available as a functional food Biomilk Young.